Our commitment to advocating for justice and equality for immigrants is a powerful force for positive change. Let's draw strength from the stories of perseverance and determination within immigrant communities, recognizing their invaluable contributions to humanity. Together, we can champion a world where compassion knows no borders, and justice becomes the guiding principle that transcends challenges. In pursuit of a more inclusive and equitable future, Justice for all Immigrants remains unwavering, fueled by the belief that every individual deserves dignity, respect, and the opportunity to thrive.

In this month's newsletter, you will find an inspiring story along with updates on our activities. We are excited to share that Giving Tuesday is just around the corner, and this year, we aim to showcase the power of generosity and compassion as a catalyst for positive change. Let's spread hope and create a ripple effect of kindness.


Best regards,
Joy Green
Executive Director
Justice for all Immigrants

Spread Double Impact and Compassion this Giving Tuesday!

It's that time of year once more, the time of giving, and Giving Tuesday is just around the corner! Justice for all Immigrants (JFAI) invites you to support our work to assist immigrants and refugees. Our generous donors have pledged to match donations up to $15,000, so your contribution will go twice as far! 

We proudly participate in Giving Tuesday and ask you to be a part of our cause. We believe every immigrant and refugee deserves access to affordable, high-quality immigration legal services, as well as immigration education and advocacy. 

Join us this Giving Tuesday to make a difference. Share, like, donate, and spread compassion. Even if you can't donate, spread the word about supporting immigrants and refugees and the importance of giving back. Let's make a positive impact together.


Scan the QR code above or click "Donate" here if you would like to give today!

A Story of Resilience and Triumph

Raquel*, a young woman from South America, came to the United States as an au pair, hoping for new opportunities. She unexpectedly met her future husband during this journey, leading to a dark twist in her life. After traveling the country, the couple decided to get married and settled in Houston, Texas. In their new home, the abuse gradually crept into her life. She was forced to stay home and isolated from people. Emotional and psychological abuse became a daily ordeal, with the constant threat of getting her deported. The abuse escalated to physical and sexual violence.

Raquel bravely left her abusive relationship, but in Houston, far from her family and with no friends, she faced extreme depression and unstable housing issues. Fortunately, Justice for all Immigrants (JFAI) intervened and offered more than legal assistance. The dedicated team promptly filed Raquel's Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) application, which led to her receiving a lawful permanent residency. Today, Raquel has found stability with secure employment and is building a life free from her painful past.

Raquel's journey highlights the transformative impact of support and justice, emphasizing the vital role JFAI plays in empowering individuals to overcome unimaginable challenges. 


*Photo and name changed for privacy reasons


Halloween 2023!

Guess what? We got into the Halloween spirit this year and had a blast with our team! It was fun dressing up and getting into character.


Until next year!

The Fall Festival

We see every opportunity as a chance to spread the word about our mission. Recently, some of JFAI's team members attended the grand opening of the Sunrise Center organized by HISD at Mission Milby in October 2023 to share important information about JFAI's services with workers and families in the community.

Decoding Abbreviation

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): VAWA is a law that provides support and resources for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. The VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2022 strengthens and modernizes the law by providing survivors with much-needed resources for housing, legal assistance, alternatives to criminal responses, and prevention programming. Visit nnedv.org/content/violence-against-women-act/ for more information.

In 2023 alone, JFAI has supported 40 VAWA cases, thanks to our generous donors. 


More Ways You Can Help

Our office is currently accepting donations of coloring books, crayons, and children's puzzles! And we like to have these items available for the children who visit our office. Client appointments can be difficult and tiring for children, and it is a beautiful way to keep the little ones occupied.

If you wish to give, contact us here.



As always, we would like to express our appreciation to our supporters, whose generous donations have a profound impact on the lives of our clients.

Justice For All Immigrants
2220 Broadway Street  | Houston, Texas 77012
713-454-6470 | info@JusticeForAllImmigrants.org

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